Fungsi FOCON-01 adalah alat test indentifikasi kontaminasi bahan kimia, kandungan Pestisida , |
Kandungan microba pada makanan dan Minuman. |
Spesifikasi : | ||
▪ Arsenic | : 0-0.05-0.1-0.5-1.0-1.7-3.0 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Borax | : 0-50-100-150-200-5000-10.000 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Cyanida | : 0.01-0.02-0.03-0.05-0.07-0.10-0.15-0.20 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Formalin | : 0-10-20-40-60-100-200 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Merkury | : 0-50-100-150-200-1000-2000-3000mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Methyl Yellow | : 0-5-10-15-20-30-40-50 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Nitrate/Nitrite | : 0-10-25-50-100-250-500 mg/l NO3/ | 100 test |
: 0-1-5-10-20-40-80 mg/l NO2 | ||
▪ Plumbum/Lead | : 20-40-100-200-500 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Rhodamin B | : 0-2-10-20-30-40 mg/l | 100 test |
▪ Siklamat | : Reagent Standard | 100 test |
▪ Pesticide | : Qualitative (+/-) | 100 test |
▪ E.coli Test | : Qualitative (+/-) | 50 test |
▪ Total Coliform Test | : Qualitative (+/-) | 50 test |
▪ Total Microba | : Qualitative (+/-) | 50 test |
▪ Pork Test Kit | : Qualitative (+/-) | 25 test |
▪ Uji Ayam Bangkai (Tiren) | : Qualitative (+/-) | 150 test |
▪ Food Temperature | : -40 °C to +250 °C (-40 °F to +482 °F) | 1 unit |
▪ Multitest kit 5 parameter | ||
- pH | : 6.8 - 8.2 pH | 50 test |
- Free Chlorine | : 0.0 - 5.0 mg/l | |
- Bromine Alkalinity | : 0.0 - 11.0 mg/l | |
- Total Hardness | : 40 - 1000 mg/l | |
- Cyanuric Acid | : 0 - 150 mg/l | |
Perlengkapan Alat : |
▪ Curcumin Paper |
▪ Incubator |
▪ Handheld UV Lamp |
▪ Tas Perlengkapan alat |
▪ Petunjuk penggunaan bahasa Indonesia |
▪ Kartu Garansi satu tahun |
▪ Steril Graduate bottle sample 10 pcs |
▪ Beaker Gelas 50ml (1 pcs) |
▪ Washing Bottle 250ml (1 pcs) |
▪ Tabung Reaksi + Tutup, 10 pcs |
▪ Pipet Tetes Plastik |
▪ Mini Blander Machine |
▪ Batang Pengaduk Kaca |
▪ Pocket Balance |